Which solar cells are the best for my photovoltaic system?

Rising electricity prices and falling costs for systems are making it increasingly attractive to generate your own electricity using photovoltaics. Although the remuneration for electricity fed into the public grid has fallen, self-generators can significantly reduce their electricity costs. But which modules work best? We show you what you should look out for when buying solar cells.

Different types of PV modules

The performance of solar cells varies greatly, as there are considerable differences in structure and technology. A basic distinction is made between polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar modules. We have already reported on this in an earlier article. There are also thin-film, CIGS and hybrid modules. They differ in colour and efficiency, and therefore in amortisation time, but also in power loss or low-light behaviour – and above all in price.

We almost exclusively recommend high-quality monocrystalline modules to our customers. They have a high level of efficiency and improved performance in low light conditions and therefore simply produce more electricity. They also look stylish on your roof.

Which are the best?

The question of the best PV modules and manufacturers cannot be generalised. It always depends on the individual needs and requirements of each project. We select the most suitable solar cells at a perfect price-performance ratio.

In doing so, we always look at several different criteria such as efficiency, amortisation period, power loss, low-light behaviour and price in order to ensure our customers the highest possible power yield and a long service life for their system.

In addition, the market is constantly changing, so that the best lists on the Internet are at best a snapshot in time. We always have our ear to the ground and many years of experience to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied.

Our requirements and standards

There are, of course, criteria that every single module from every manufacturer has to fulfil for us to include it in our shop. This is the only way we can ensure that our customers achieve optimum results and are satisfied with their systems in the long term. Quality and reliability are the most important features.

Module manufacturer for BAETZ Energy

We select the best module manufacturers with the utmost care and keep them up to date in order to include their products in our shop. Our direct customers – solar installers and professionals in the photovoltaic industry – help us with their valuable feedback to keep this selection constantly up to date.

The focus of research and development (R&D) on solar cells is on simplifying processing steps, maximising power output, but also on increasing efficiency in the use of resources and reducing costs. We pay close attention to which manufacturers best fulfil these requirements.

Welche Module für meine Anlage?