BAETZ news
Here you will always find the latest news and new success stories relating to photovoltaics and solar technology. If there is a topic that is close to your heart, simply send it to us as a suggestion – we will gladly try to take your wishes into account.
energy 4 everyone: BAETZ Energy
We are your reliable partner for commercial customers when it comes to renewable energy: We offer hardware for your projects, wholesale of solar modules, urban wind technology and heat pumps as well as the sound planning of photovoltaic systems and micro wind turbines.
We buy high-quality, harmonised, and quality-tested hardware products for generating renewable energy, develop specific and complete project plans from 30 kWp and offer them in our online shop as a wholesaler to specialists such as solar installers, wind power installers, PV tradesmen, heating engineers, air conditioning engineers, plumbers and roofers for installation.
Our work begins with personalised advice, includes project support and ends with the turnkey handover of a system. We also offer our customers and partner companies valuable training courses. Test us.